Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My "Snowboarding" Weekend

A.K.A Damn you Global Warming!!!!

I received a phone call from a friend last week, asking me if I would like to go snowboarding this past weekend for free...(Ernie does a double take) "For free!!!?" I say. Yes, a friend of a friend won a weekend trip up to Mt.Washington. Two days, two nights, lift passes, dinner and accommodations included. I quickly replied with a "HELL YA!" and that was that.
However, we awoke our first morning there to freezing rain and ice. Seeing as our suite was located right on the hill, we leaned out our patio and asked a snowboarder passing by what the conditions were like at the top. "Nasty, dude!" was what we received as a reply.
Our group then made the unanimous decision to head down to the pub at the lodge and start drinking instead. (May as well drown our sorrows, right?) The lodge was soon packed as most of the chairs were being shut down due to unsafe icy conditions.
Let's just say, snowboarding or no snowboarding, I had a hell of a weekend. Fun, fun, fun!!! We went to the Cast Away party that night at the lodge. I received a standing ovation from the table of ship workers (one I did nothing in particular to deserve), was invited to participate in a nude ping pong tournament, ended up walking around with an "It's all good!" sticker on my a** for half of the night, and was driven home in a CAT. (Which a 20 year old orchestrated to impress us, and prove that "he was NOT just a baby!") Ahh, babies...
Oh yeah, fun, fun, fun! Damn you global warming ;) If it wasn't for you I would have gone to bed at 8pm because my muscles ached and my bruises hurt. Damn you... :D