Thursday, August 31, 2006

Welcome to the New Roomies!

I would like to welcome my new roomies; Jack and Celeste. I am so excited to have them here. I am sad that I will be losing my other room mates too, but I know that it is because they are moving on. Or Moving on up I should say. Celeste and I are both on our computers, and hashing out the details of our day. This is great! (Lil jack Sparrow is sitting quietly, listening intently to our conversation. "Come on lil jack, we need a male's point of view every once in a while." Just make sure we ask you for it first!)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

So I was tagged by Celeste to do this "meme of threes".

Things that scare me
-Being judged
-Being vulnerable
-I kinda don't like gross slimey bugs

People who make me laugh
-My friends
-Cousin Leslie (Hmmm, I guess she would fall in the friend catagory too, but she makes me laugh so hard she deserves to be mentioned twice!)
(oh yeah, and there was that friend of Sarah's sister who was at her BBQ. He made me die laughing!)

I hate the most
-People who think they are "all that". Just a lil FYI, the people who really are "all that" don't act like it!
-not being in control
-when fruits and vegtables go bad in the fridge before you get a chance to eat them. This makes me feel guilty, which by the way is also something that I hate!

Things I don't understand
-Quantum Physics
-How they get rid of the ice in a hockey rink for a concert... (They can't change the ice everytime!!!, and if they lay a floor over top how does it not melt, cause it gets quite warm during a concert ( I hope this doesn't turn into a dumb-blonde Jessica Simpson "chicken of the sea" question. I really just want to know and don't want to make the effort to look up the answer.)
-OK...Men too I guess...but I am not really that sure that this is something that I want to figure out! (No I'm not a lesbien!)

I'm doing right now
-A stoopid meme (which is what exactly?)
-Procrastinating at getting back to work
-worry that the spelling in this thing is going to be horrible... Not going to use spell checker either;)

Things I want to do before I die
-Spend time with family and friends
-Give my room the credit it finally deserves (don't ask...Celeste knows)
-chill out!

Things I can do
-make a mean margarita
-Laugh at myself

Ways to describe my personality
-quiet (except when I have been drinking spiked fraps and there is a birthday card M.I.A)

Things I can't do
-put lawn knomes in front of my place as per the strata councel (not that I would want to, but what if I did!) Those controlling SOBs
-call a boy ( *he he* insert immature giggle here) OK, I actually can, everyone just has to listen to me bitch and over-annalize the sitch for a week prior.

Things I think you should listen to
-Jack Johnson (you should look at him too, he is hot!)
-Your instincts
-Your heart

Things you should never listen to
-the president when he says he did not have sexual relations with a praticular intern!
-spell checker when it tells you to change frickin to foreskin
-your cravings, you will only end up getting FAT (no, not PHAT!)

Things I'd like to learn
-how to make millions of dollars (and not by marrying an old man with a bad cough. Something a lil more original please.)
-how to bring happiness to everyone (maybe the millions can help me with this?..)
-how to spell (mama, help?)

Favorite foods
-SUSHI (I could eat it everyday of my life!!!!)
-My homemade spinach salad (MMMMMM) Spinach, boiled egg, bacon, blue cheese dressing
-grilled salmon

Favorite Drinks
-medium roast coffee:black
-Kiwi margarita

Shows I watched as a kid
-Growing Pains ( thought I might marry Kirk Cameron!!!!! Loved him!!!! He was a dreamboat!)
-Mr. Belvedere
-Family Matters

I'm tagging (to do this meme)
-I don't really know anyone else in blogger land yet. Celeste already took Linz and herself:( I hope anyone who reads this does it and then lets me know. I will then visit your blog and maybe we can become friends! (Aww precious!)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Night at the Roxbury (2006)

Last night was yet another birthday night. This time it was my friend Andrea's 25th B-day. We went to one of the clubs in town called Legends. It was a good night.
I think I may have been approached by every geeky guy in the place. I'm not giving off signals, I'm not looking for a hookup, I am not looking for someone to go home with, I am not looking for my dream boat future husband in this club. I just want to be left alone. I am there to have fun with my friends. Just because I don't have a guy draped on my arm, it is not a sign that I am holding auditions to find one. It is also somewhat embarrassing when I am sitting with a group of friends and someone comes over with some lame pickup line.
OK, I know I kinda sound like a jerk (OK, a huge jerk!), but it annoys me. There I have said my piece and I will never mention it again! I promise!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Mystic Beach Camping Trip

What a great weekend! I spent the past weekend camping on Mystic beach (close to Port Renfrew) for my cousin's 22nd birthday. It was phenomenal. It was myself, Leslie (my cousin), my sister Sara, Kaitlyn (a friend of Leslie's) and Matt (Leslie's boyfriend) who went. So the theme of the weekend was pretty much that Matt is the P-I-M-P. It is not everyday a guy gets odds like that in his favor. So many jokes about sleeping arrangements, applying suntan lotion, etc. that I am not even sure where to begin.
We hiked in and pitched our tent right on the beach. We slept on the beach under the stars the first night. ( The sky was amazing! You forget how the stars and moon can be that vivid when you are in the city.) Leslie brought her guitar and serenaded us by the campfire. She has an awesome voice! It is all very mezmorizing. You almost fall into a trance watching the flickering flames and listening to her voice.
Both days it was hot and sunny weather. (Perfect!) Albino Amy (that's ME) actually has some color to her skin! (A tan? Yes, we are all Shocked!) On the second night we even had a firework show. Some other campers brought what must have been, a whole backpack full of fireworks. We hiked out on Sunday, back to the real world. Oh real world.... Why must you always rear your ugly head :(

Friday, August 11, 2006

Ernie is not a creepy old man, it is ME!!!

I think that this posting should have been the first one that I put up. I'm going to clear up any confusion and let everyone know who ERNIE MCGREECHIE really is once and for all! Contrary to popular belief, I am not a creepy, wrinkly old man who likes to sit in front of his computer lurking in teen chat rooms. I have also been known in the past to be called Janitor Ernie because of my hefty ring of keys.
So let's go back about 4 years now... I am working at good old Canadian Tire as the Head Cashier (ok, we will save all the jokes I got about that one for another blog. It is not just anyone who can go from a head cashier position to ass. Man. at a the barn...) Anyhoo, so anyone who has met me knows that I have this girly voice that often gets mistaken for a 10 year old girl on the phone. Well, I was on the phone with some sales rep (who will from now on be referred to as the dumb ass man, or D.A.M)for god knows what and I needed to have a part sent to the store. The D.A.M asked me to spell the name that I would like it sent Attn to. I spelled my frickin name out 4 times for that D.A.M. Wow, the guy was so S-M-R-T! Two weeks later the freakin parcel shows up. The UPS man asks for a signature from Ernie McGreechie!!!! Good GOD! Go back to school buddy!
Anyway, that is how it all happened. Thanks to a co-worker (AKA SAHH?) Ernie has stayed alive.

The moral to this story in case it was not obvious, I'm not a creepy old man, just a casualty of some uneducated moron who has no idea how to listen.

P.S Here is an interesting bit of useless trivia for ya... When spellcheck picks up the word "frickin" it suggests that "foreskin" is the word you should change it to. W-O-W

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ok Girls, I am giving this a shot!!!

Ok, I give in... I am giving this whole blogging thing a shot. I promise that I am not that interesting. But I guess no one has to read this, do they:) Here are some pictures of Beacon Hill Park from the other day. I went with my little sister. Here is a funny thing, she works in a vet clinic with animals, and she was the one who was scared of the geese. I mean yes, OK, they were hissing and snapping at us until we would give them cherrios... but I was brave enough to feed them from my hand. It worked and I was only bitten once.
W-o-w, I am boring!!!... Well just have a look at the pics, because they are much more interesting than me ;)
